The first day or so of being newly engaged is like a dream. You stare at your ring until your left arm is stiff. You carefully remove your prescious rock to lotion your hands, cook, wash dishes or any task that could possibly harm your new treasure. It usually takes a couple of days for the enormity (yes...I created that...you like that huh) of the situation to finally sink in.
Suddenly it hits you like a ton of bricks...
I am getting married?!?!? Oh...my...gosh. What do I do first? Where do I start?
If you are newly engaged, here a few things you may want to do first:
1. Set a date
Before you can being planning, you will need to know your date. Your date will determine how much money you need to save and how quickly. The date will also have an impact on selecting your venue...the closer the date...the harder time you will have booking a venue. Make sure to allow time for scheduling and booking a venue.
2. Set a budget
Many new couples or engaged couples argur most over money. Don't place unnecessary stress on your relationship for a ceremony that is usually more of an advantage to your guests than yourself. Make sure that your finacee is involved in the financial planning or budgeting associated with the budgeting. We are aware that this is your first and last wedding, but is it really necessary to break the bank. Work with your future hubby to set a budget that pleases you both.
3. Shop for your dress.
No matter what the size, time and location of the wedding, all brides will need some form of a gown. Whether you have a destination wedding or a traditional wedding, there will be special attire for the bride. Many bridal gowns require a number of weeks for processing time. Do not let this deter you. Selecting and paying for your dress well in advance would definitely work to your advantage.