Since starting this plan to document my daily outfits in hopes of enhacing my style, I have noticed a few things. One I shared the other day, I am a little on the country side. HA! Two, animal prints really appeal to me. I hadn't noticed how many animal print pieces I own! The sad thing about this, I want more!
As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I am on a bit of a budget. Our wedding was a much larger expense than I realized. Although we did not incur any debt as a result of the wedding, I am STILL trying to bounce back financially. Which means....no shopping. Which TRULY hurts my heart because I am starting to really NEED things. For instance, I have two pair of boots I need repaired. I would really prefer new boots but I suppose I will settle for repairing the boots I own. I am really trying to identify other ways to cut back. I have a goal in mind. Once I reach that goal...I will be headed to the nearest outlet mall!
Fitness update:
I have one good thing to report. I have been consistent with my workouts! With my son out of school, I have been to the gym 2 times this week and I am going again today. The gym is closing early tomorrow..so I will either have to go earlier (if time allows) or settle for P90X when I get home. I do plan to eventually work in two workouts a day. One at home, with P90X, and the second at the gym here at the office. I have discovered that reading (multitasking!) while on the bike or treadmill makes the time..and calories...go by very quickly. I plan to try this on the eliptical today. Let's hope I do not fall off! Ha!
I eventually plan to incorporate weight training as I have gained great results in the past. I am just not sure at what point I want to add it. At any rate... for now...extreme...well for me...cardio to shock my body. I have avoided the scale because I do not want to get discouraged. I will definitely start weighing and measuring to track my progress.
It SEEMS as if the new product is finally starting to work. I will update in a week or so.
Well, back to work I go. I am challenging myself to be super productive these days as I try to master time management. That has ALWAYS been a weakness of mine. :-)
What am I wearing:
Skirt: K&G YEARS ago...actually was a suit
Jacket: Steinmart
Pumps: Jessica Simpson
Bag: Marc by Marc Jacobs