I have been doing a horrible job of updating my blog. I have been SO busy...but I could better. I am planning to start planning each hour of my day. Atleast for the next 6 months...it should make ALL of these flow a little better.
Wedding planning:
The wedding is still in Memphis. :-) Throughout this entire process, so much has changed. At one point I wanted to write MYSELF a prescription for Prozac. I mean, I always knew that a wedding was a big deal but my GOSH. Who knew it was so complicated! :-)
At any rate, to date, I have completed the following for th wedding:
Confirmed my venue (A Golfcourse...oh lala :-))
Booked the honeymoon and started payments
Created a Wedding Website (bare bones)
Created a Honeymoon Registry
Submitted my application for my passport
Selected and began payment on my gown
Designed, created and mailed 50 of my 90 Save the Date Cards and Magnets
Ordered Tissues for my tears of joy packets
Loved on my FI :-)
Selected my cake
Booked my photographer
Whew! At times, I get a little overwhelmed. I feel SO batty like I am driving ALL of my friends insane. BUT, I must say, I am seeing progress! :-)
I have 5 classes and I will COMPLETE my bachelors degree. WHOO HOOO! Now, why I selected a wedding date 2 days after my last final, errr huuhhh.... not sure. :-) I WAS inducted into ASL last week (National Honor Society). I am very proud. My FI, son, mother and future mother in law came out to show some support. It was a very happy night. My little family and I celebrated by having dinner at Houston's immediately after.
OK, so my hair is in this short pixish cut. It is growing pretty fast but not fast enough. My sweetie loves this cut and I must admit I feel pretty fly. However, after the wedding, my transition back to natural hair will begin.
Ok, so I lost about 25 pounds a little bit ago. For the most part, I have kept it off but I am still too.darn.big! With a wedding dressed ordered for my special day, I am determined to get down to a size 6! Esp with baby plans in the very near furute. I can NOT walk aroud looking like the koolaid man. Not.a .good.look! I am going to start working out next week (I hope) and continue with my portion control. Hopefully the two of these are enough and I will not have to disturb my daily wine escapades...T loves the wine. LOL!
Starting weight: 169...
Oh what a fatty! Seriously. My butt is HUGE! I remember about 5 or 6 years ago I actually WANTED more weight in the hip/butt area. My gosh...be careful what you wish for! LOL
Ok...I must go. My two guys and I have been in the streets all day...and this Cabernet is talking to me. :-) I promise to do a better job journaling these next 6-12 months. I am very curious to see how much my little world changes.