Growing up, I was teased for being terribly skinny. I was underdeveloped and my peers reminded me anytime an opportunity presented itself. Never in a million years did I expect to struggle with weight. NEVER! Actually, I used to DREAM of bigger hips, calves and all that jazz. While some girls were working to lose weight, I was looking for ways to GAIN.

(Before Burger King took over my body....)

(Before Chik Fil A joined him....Burger King that is...)
Well... becareful what you wish for. God heard my prayers and he opened the gates and they have not closed yet! LOL Up until the birth of my son, I never struggled with anything weight related. I ate whatever I wanted when I wanted...and exercised when I felt like it for fun. I remember working out hard in Bally's and stopping to grab a whopper as I left the gym. Who does that?! I could eat burgers, fries, cakes...whatever I wanted and my abs remained in tact.
Well....something happened when I gave birth. Along with a baby, I welcomed a life of dieting and watching what I eat. Unfortunately, as of late, I have zero self watching what I eat is literally watching myself eat all this wonderful food and then watching myself look horrible in my clothing. LOL
Well with a wedding approaching and a tropical honeymoon immedicately following...this can be no more. I am NO stranger to working out and weight training so it's time to jump back into it...this time minus the Whopper! :-)
Today marks the beginning of my modified life style. I suppose I should blog about it for accountability eh?