Well... becareful what you wish for. God heard my prayers and he opened the gates and they have not closed yet! LOL Up until the birth of my son, I never struggled with anything weight related. I ate whatever I wanted when I wanted...and exercised when I felt like it for fun. I remember working out hard in Bally's and stopping to grab a whopper as I left the gym. Who does that?! I could eat burgers, fries, cakes...whatever I wanted and my abs remained in tact.
Well....something happened when I gave birth. Along with a baby, I welcomed a life of dieting and watching what I eat. Unfortunately, as of late, I have zero self control...so watching what I eat is literally watching myself eat all this wonderful food and then watching myself look horrible in my clothing. LOL
Well with a wedding approaching and a tropical honeymoon immedicately following...this can be no more. I am NO stranger to working out and weight training so it's time to jump back into it...this time minus the Whopper! :-)
Today marks the beginning of my modified life style. I suppose I should blog about it for accountability eh?
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